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Sleepy boy

March 3, 2010

Dear Levi,

I tried putting you down for a nap today without nursing you and it didn’t go so great. You screamed, protested and wanted anything but a nap. I soothed you and thought you’d go back to sleep. I was wrong. Wahhhhhhhhh! After a few minutes of crying you got really quiet and I looked at your video monitor to see if you were asleep. I saw you sitting up and I thought to myself, “That stinker! He’s playing!” When I looked closer I noticed your head bobbing. You were asleep. Sitting up. A new first for you!

Love you my crazy monkey,

Extended family

February 23, 2010

Dear Levi,

Remember Vinny and Marv? Well it looks like the whole family came for an extended visit! That’s right, your front tooth (Uncle Guido), left eye tooth (Cousin Snooki), and right eye tooth (3rd cousin of your friends brother, Gino) have all camped out in your mouth. They all appeared a few days after we arrived in California to visit your Great-Grammy. Your poor mouth! They have caused quite a ruckus, especially Cousin Snooki. You know how she can be!

I love you my chicklet mouthed bambino!

Ps: You fell on Great Grammy’s coffee table and got a black eye. I can tell people that you were in a fight at the park over the last baby swing if you want. Grunt twice and wink if you do.


February 11, 2010

Dear Levi,

You love the dishwasher. It goes to show that babies love everything that isn’t a toy. The second you hear the dishwasher open, you army crawl as fast as you can over to it so you can “help” me. Most of the time you’re happy just sitting there and other times you’re grabbing at the plates. Daddy is hoping this is a sign that you like to do the dishes so he won’t have to anymore. He also wants to know if you would work for him so he could take an early retirement and you could support the family. Let us know.

Love you buddy,

Growing so quickly

February 9, 2010

Dear Levi,

I was in the kitchen watching you while you played with your firetruck as you moved it back an forth while sitting on your knees. It was like watching a little boy play, not a baby. Such a bittersweet moment for a mama!

You are doing so many new tricks I had to get them down on paper before I forgot. Here are all the new things you have mastered as of recently: pulling yourself to a standing position from your belly, cruising around whatever
you can keep a grip on, sitting on your knees, going from your belly to a sitting position, knowing when I’m creeping up behind you and army crawling ridiculously fast, calling out for me with either ‘mama’ or ‘mom’, flirting with the doctor, and the list continues. I think you have honestly grown up before my very eyes little man!

I love you Levi Patrick. I can’t wait to show you off in California next week!

Love you monkey,

Say hello to…

February 8, 2010

Vinny and Marv!

Dear Levi,

I have affectionately named your first pair of teeth. It only seemed appropriate since we have anticipated their arrival for quite some time. They spend late nights with us, making you wake up and party with them. Sometimes they tell you to bite on whatever you can fit in your mouth, naughty friends! I’ve only felt the tops of them, but they will make their home in your mouth for the next 6 years or so. Don’t listen to them if they tell you to not brush them!

Love you my babbling, drool monkey,


February 1, 2010

Dear Levi,

Today my heart soared, you said “mama”. I didn’t think I could love you anymore and then you spoke that simple word. You have such a sweet, little voice. I can’t wait to hear what else you have to say! (You might want to learn “dada” soon so he doesn’t get jealous.)

Love you little man,

A little light reading

January 30, 2010

Dear Levi,

Your favorite book right now is, “I love you through and through”. I start to read the first page and you flashed that adorable, gummy, toothless grin of yours. It makes me melt. Today when I was changing your diaper you were very squirmy so I handed you your favorite book to chew on. You of course didn’t want to chew it, but instead wanted to read it. I love the little bookworm you are already! A boy after my own heart! :D. Love you buddy.


You’re almost a man now

January 28, 2010

Dear Levi,

I feel like it’s been years since I last wrote you. You’ve probably grown a mustache by now and shave during your nap times.

You are more and more fun as each day passes. The other day you screamed and I jumped and then you chuckled. You screamed again and I jumped higher and gasped, which made you laugh harder. And so it continued for a few minutes and I realized that this is just a preview of all the fun we are going to have together.

Here is a recent pic I took of your righteous profile chick fuzz hair. You’re way cute.

I’ll write more often buddy.

Love you!

7 months old (now a month late…)

January 4, 2010

Dear Levi,

To say that things have been busy would be an understatement.  I’m sorry that I haven’t written you sooner.  There is so much that you’re doing now and I’m so excited to sit down now, drink my coffee (decaf) and recall all the wonderful ways you’ve grown this month.

7 months old.  That’s roughly 213 days you’ve made me the happiest Mommy in the entire world.  I just made a book for you of your birth and recall that first moment I held you, kissed you, nursed you.  Your Great Nanny says that there is nothing closer to heaven than the love of a child and in those moments I was able to experience the saying.  Each day I look at you and tell you what a blessing you are to us.  Your smile, giggle, funny face, fake-cry to get me to hold you, hugs, coos make my heart swell.  I love you Levi Patrick.  May you one day hear the Lord calling you unto Himself! Remember that things from this earth are good, but He is always better.

Let me recap your month:

You learned how to pull yourself up and army crawl all in the same day.  Whew!  What a day!

You went a swing for the first time…and L-O-V-E-D it!

You met Santa for the first time and rubbed your head in his beard…then started crying. (I love how hard you’re concentrating.)

Most of all, you are still a happy, happy 7 month old who loves to smile at anyone, and giggle at funny noises or faces we make at you.  You are a JOY Levi.  You show your cute, sassy personality more and more each and and we are just over the moon for you buddy!

Top 7 words to describe your month:

1.  Growth-spurt! (Sure are gaining those lb’s boy!)

2.  Ezcema (No dairy for Mommy!)

3.  Funny face (you wrinkle your nose and breath in and out of your nose really fast)

4.  Wisconsin (You loved seeing all your family and the snow.)

5.  Pulling-up  (This has changed from piano playing time to Levi pulling himself up time)

6.  Army Crawl (You crawl like a wounded soldier and sometimes get that cute diaper butt in the air for a few seconds.)

7.  Toothless Smile (Still no teeth, but man, you flash those gums all the time and I can’t get enough.  Keep on being adorable!)

Busy, but not forgotten!

November 24, 2009

Dear Levi,

Your mama has been a busy bird.  There has been so much going on, but I think “Dear Levi” in my head during so many moments of  the day.  When you’re blowing bubbles, sitting up for longer periods of time, making your funny face.  Know that I love you monkey and that I although I am too busy to write today, I am soaking up all the special moments we get to spend together.

Love you,